The Amish Craftsman

5555 Washington Ave Suite M Houston TX 77007 United States
(713) 862-3444

The Amish Craftsman is different than a typical big-box furniture store. You don’t have to settle for whatever we have on the floor. Instead, we help you figure out exactly what you want and need, and get custom-built furniture for you. Our solid wood and upholstery furniture is an investment and built to last for generations.
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The Amish Craftsman

5555 Washington Ave Suite M Houston TX 77007 United States
(713) 862-3444

The Amish Craftsman is different than a typical big-box furniture store. You don’t have to settle for whatever we have on the floor. Instead, we help you figure out exactly what you want and need, and get custom-built furniture for you. Our solid wood and upholstery furniture is an investment and built to last for generations.